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Privacy policy


Article 1 (Purpose of Processing Personal Information)

① Hallasan National Park Service processes personal information to the minimum extent necessary for the purpose of providing public services, handling complaints, and conducting related duties.

② All personal information handled by Hallasan National Park Service will be collected, retained and processed based on relevant laws and regulations.


※ The purpose of processing each personal information file and items, registered and disclosed in accordance with Article 32 of the Personal Information Protection Act, can be inquired as follows.

Please access the Personal Information Protection Comprehensive Support Portal (www.privacy.go.kr) and click on Search Personal Information File List.

Personal Information Complaint → Request to View Personal Information → Search Personal Information File List Search after entering “National Parks Corporation” in the name of institution


Article 2 (Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information)

① Personal information processed by Hallasan National Park Service shall be processed and retained within the retention period specified in the law or the retention period with the consent of the information subject when collecting personal information.

② The personal information files collected and held by Hallasan National Park Service can be inquired in the manner described in Article 1.


Article 3 (Matters Regarding Providing Personal Information with the Third Parties)

① Hallasan National Park Service shall process your personal information within the scope specified in Article 1 (Purpose of personal information processing) and shall not process or provide it to a third party without the prior consent of the user. However, if there are special provisions in other laws or if it falls under Article 18 ② of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as criminal investigation, it will be treated as an exception.

② The list of files provided to third parties by Hallasan National Park Service is as follows.

제3자에게 제공하는 파일목록을 부서명, 파일명, 제공받는자, 제공근거, 주요항목, 제공주기로 나타낸 표입니다.
department File Recipient Providing basis Main items Delivery cycle


Article 4 (Matters on Consignment of Personal Information Processing)

① The Hallasan National Park Service manages a personal information processing trustee so that the personal information of the data subject can be safely processed in accordance with Article 26 (1) of the Personal Information Protection Act and Article 28 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act and discloses the trustee on our website.

개인정보처리 수탁자를 부서명, 파일명, 위탁목적, 위탁개인정보, 수탁기관으로 나타낸표입니다.
Department File Commissioning purpose Entrusted personal information Trusted agency

② The Hallasan National Park Service, in accordance with Article 25 of the Personal Information Protection Act, shall prohibit the handling of personal information other than trusted duty implementation purpose, and take technical and administrative protection measures, restrict reconsignment, manage and supervise the trustee, and compensate for damages. The matters are stated in documents such as contracts, and the service supervise the trustee whether it handles personal information safely.


Article 5 (Matters Regarding the Rights and Duties of Information Subjects and Legal Representatives and How to Exercise Them)

① Information subjects (or legal representatives if they are under the age of 14) may exercise the following rights related to personal information protection at any time.

1. Request for access to personal information

2. Request for correction in case of error

3. Delete request

4. Processing stop request

② The exercise of rights under Paragraph 1 can be made in accordance with Form 8 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act, and then in writing, by e-mail, or by FAX. The complaints will be dealt with for 10 days and you will get the feedback.

③ If there is any dissatisfaction with the measures such as refusal of the request of the information subject in paragraph 1, we will guide you through the `` method of objection '' in the Annex Form 8.

④ If the information subject requests correction or deletion of personal information, the personal information will not be used or provided until the correction or deletion is completed.

⑤ The exercise of the rights under Paragraph 1 can be done through the legal representative of the data subject or the representative. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney according to Form 11 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act.

⑥ If you request to stop viewing and processing your personal information, the right of the information subject may be restricted in accordance with Article 35 (4) and Article 37 (2) of the Personal Information Protection Act.

⑦ The request for correction or deletion of personal information cannot be accepted if the personal information is specified for collection in other laws and regulations.

⑧ Confirm that the person who made the request, such as a request for reading, correction or deletion, or request for suspension of processing according to the information subject's right, is the person or a right representative.

* [Annex 8 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act] Request for Personal Information (View, Correction, Deletion, Processing Suspension)

* [Attachment 11 of Enforcement Regulations of Personal Information Protection Act] Power of Attorney


Article 6 (Personal Information Protection Officer and Person in Charge)

① Hallasan National Park Service designates the person in charge of personal information protection and the person in charge of duty as follows.

-Personal Information Protection Officer:

-Personal Information Protection manager:

Telephone: Fax:


Article 7 (Matters on Destruction of Personal Information)

In principle, if the retention period of personal information has passed or the purpose of processing has been achieved, the personal information will be destroyed without delay.

However, this may not be the case when it is necessary to preserve it according to other laws. Destruction procedures, deadlines and methods are as follows:

① Destruction procedure

The information entered by the user is saved, after a certain period of time in accordance with internal policies and other relevant laws, after the purpose of withdrawal of membership, is destroyed.

At this time, the personal information transferred to the DB will not be used for purposes other than those required by law.

② Deadline for destruction and Method

User's personal information is permanently destroyed so that it cannot be recovered or reproduced electronically when the personal information retention period specified in Article 2 has expired, or when personal information becomes unnecessary, such as fulfilling the purpose of processing personal information or abolishing the service.


Article 8 (Matters Regarding Installation, Operation and Rejection of device for Automatic Collection of Personal Information)

① The Hallasan National Park Service homepage uses 'cookies' that store and retrieve information from time to time in order to provide personalized services to users.

Cookies are a small amount of information sent to your computer browser by a server (http) used to operate a website and may be stored on your computer's hard disk.

1. Purpose of use of cookies: It is used to provide optimized information to users by enabling the setting of frequently-searched services.

2. Installation, operation and rejection of cookies: You can refuse to save cookies through the option setting in the Tools> Internet Options> Privacy menu at the top of the web browser.

3. If you refuse to store cookies, you may have difficulty using personalized services.

② Hallasan National Park Service collects the IP address of the homepage users for the following purposes and is not provided to third parties.

1. It is necessary in finding and responding to the source through IP when there is a homepage attack from the outside.

2. It is used to provide optimized information to users by grasping visits, usage forms and secure access to each service and web site visited by users.


Article 9 (Measures to Ensure Personal Information Safety)

The following measures are taken to ensure the safety of personal information.

1. Minimizing the number of employees handling personal information and training them

Limited number of necessary employees are designated and managed for handling personal information and we provide them with training for safe management.

2. Restrict access to personal information

We take necessary measures to control access to personal information by granting, modifying and erasing access to the personal information processing system that processes personal information. We also control unauthorized access from outside by using the intrusion prevention system.

3. Storage of access record

We maintain and manage records that access personal information processing system for at least 6 months.

4. Encryption of personal information

Personal information is securely stored and managed through encryption. In addition, we use a separate security function, such as encrypting sensitive data for storage and transmission.

5. Security program installation and periodic inspection and update

In order to prevent the leakage or damage of personal information caused by hacking or computer viruses, we install security programs and update and inspect them periodically.

6. Control the entry of unauthorized persons

We have set up a separate physical storage location for the personal information processing system that stores personal information, and have established and operated access control procedures.


Article 10 (Method of Remedies for Infringement of Rights of Information Subject)

Personal information subjects can apply for dispute resolution or counseling to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee, the Korea Internet & Security Agency's Personal Information Infringement-Report Center, etc.

☞ Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: 1833-6972 (www.kopico.go.kr)

☞ Privacy Infringement Report Center: (without area code) 118 (privacy.kisa.or.kr)

☞ Supreme Prosecutors' Office Cyber Investigation Division: (without area code) 1301, privacy@spo.go.kr, (www.spo.go.kr)

☞ Cyber Security Bureau of National Police Agency: (without area code) 182, (cyberbureau.police.go.kr)

In addition, when an information subject requests that the personal information be read, corrected, deleted, or suspended, the person who has been infringed on his / her rights or interests due to the disposition or omission by the head of a public institution shall be prescribed by the Administrative Tribunal Act. You can request an administrative trial.

☞ Refer to the telephone number of the Central Administrative Tribunal (www.simpan.go.kr).


Article 11 (Department that Receives and Processes Requests to View Personal Information)

The departments that receive and process requests for viewing personal information held by Hallasan National Park Service are as follows.


Article 12 (Change of Personal Information Processing Policy)

When we revise our privacy policy, we will notify you through the website notice (or individual notice).

① This Privacy Policy applies from May 10, 2019.

② The previous privacy policy can be found below.

-Dec. 2012 ~ Nov. 28, 2013

-Nov. 29, 2013 ~ Apr. 26, 2018

-April 27, 2018 ~ May 9, 2019

It’s processing.

It’s processing.